DDU Central School Doranahalli is a co-educational, semi residential CBSE school. It focusses in offering a world-class education and nurturing a holistic development of its students by curricular and co-curricular terms that develop leadership instilling in them discipline, a sense of dedication, unequivocal commitment to social service, quality of the human relationships throughout the community and above all, to be humane, in life and beyond the school.
A noble thought- that sprouted budded and blossomed in a very diminutive period of time- that is what DDU CENTRAL SCHOOL Doranahalli is Inspired and impressed by the success of other educational institutions initiated by Late venkammagoudasani Mahadevappa Gouda Meti memorial trust Saidapur, the school had its debut in 2019.The trust had made its initial venture into education with the launch of DDU convent school, Shahpur. To familiarize, DDU stands for Dr Devraj Urs, the former Chief Minister of Karnataka Who was a great visionary, educationalist and a well known social reformer.
It is my immence pleasure to introduce the founder of DDU group of institutions, an excellent and admiring personality of all the time Dr Bheemanna Met. He has already achieved greater heights with his brisk and bouncing efforts.
To teach the whole child means to take into consideration the child’s intellect, Emotions and physical abilities. When a school is able to see the whole child it is able to give its students the ways to improve and grow, then the institution really lives.
Within a short span of four years DDU central School Doranahalli has found its own place among the most trusted educational institutions in the country. Dr.Bheemanna Meti the founder chairman of DDu group of institutions took immense effort to bring out a school here as we see today.
His spirit and keenness for giving the best to the rapid changing system of education makes him unique and thus he turns out to be one of the best contributing educators. His guidance and occasional visits have always boosted up our professional zeal. With regards
Overall development of a student is our motto. Keeping this in mind we encourage curricular and co-curricular activities in every ways possible. Cultural, sports and games programmes are arranged occasionally, and prizes are given as a part on their back.
National days like Independence day, Republic day were celebrated in grand manner. Kannada Rajyotsava, were also marked events.
School election, investiture ceremony, children’s day, science exhibition were some of the events organized in the school and our students participated vigourously.
We believe multiple talents of our kids are brought out and mentored through these events.
A library with around two thousand books is one of the key features of DDU central School. It is a big airy and spacey room which enables around hundred students to sit at a time for reading.
An IT lab with all kinds of novel gadgets shows that we are not behind in bringing the students to the world of information technology. Advanced applications and hardware are at the finger tips of the students. There are regular periods arranged for every class for computer studies.
It is a well known saying that ‘kids grow grasping the qualities of where they are planted’.
Early education at DDU pre primary centers on the child centric approach which keeps children engrossed and engaged all through the learning process.
The pedagogy and the learning ecosystem do ensure the holistic growth and development of all our children.
Sports and games are the parts and parcel of a school curriculum. Just in front of the school building, we have a very big play ground suitable for conducting all the sports and games activities. It has been separately designed for cricket, kabbadi, kho- kho, volleyball, basketball etc. Two qualified and trained physical education teachers look after the sports and games activities of the school.